gcc-x86_64 report


gcc-x86_64 version:
gcc (Ubuntu 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.3) 4.8.4
test date: 2019-05-15


Test summary:

pass 216
fail 4
skip 0
total 220

not ok ./tests/single-exec/00146.c
  struct S { int a; int b; };
  struct S s = (struct S){1, 2};
  	if(s.a != 1)
  		return 1;
  	if(s.b != 2)
  		return 2;
  	return 0;
  +gcc --std=c11 -O2 ./tests/single-exec/00146.c -o ./tests/single-exec/00146.c.bin
  ./tests/single-exec/00146.c:2:22: error: initializer element is not constant
   struct S s = (struct S){1, 2};
  +exit 1
not ok ./tests/single-exec/00150.c
  struct S1 {
  	int a;
  	int b;
  struct S2 {
  	struct S1 s1;
  	struct S1 *ps1;
  	int arr[2];
  struct S1 gs1 = (struct S1) {.a = 1, 2};
  struct S2 *s = &(struct S2) {
  	{.b = 2, .a = 1},
  	{[0] = 1,  1+1}
  	if(s->s1.a != 1)
  		return 1;
  	if(s->s1.b != 2)
  		return 2;
  	if(s->ps1->a != 1)
  		return 3;
  	if(s->ps1->b != 2)
  		return 4;
  	if(s->arr[0] != 1)
  		return 5;
  	if(s->arr[1] != 2)
  		return 6;
  	return 0;
  +gcc --std=c11 -O2 ./tests/single-exec/00150.c -o ./tests/single-exec/00150.c.bin
  ./tests/single-exec/00150.c:10:25: error: initializer element is not constant
   struct S1 gs1 = (struct S1) {.a = 1, 2};
  +exit 1
not ok ./tests/single-exec/00216.c
  typedef unsigned char u8;
  typedef struct {} empty_s;
  struct contains_empty {
      u8 a;
      empty_s empty;
      u8 b;
  struct contains_empty ce = { { (1) }, (empty_s){}, 022, };
  /* The following decl of 'q' would demonstrate the TCC bug in init_putv when
     handling copying compound literals.  (Compound literals
     aren't acceptable constant initializers in isoc99, but
     we accept them like gcc, except for this case)
  //char *q = (char *){ "trara" }; */
  struct SS {u8 a[3], b; };
  struct SS sinit16[] = { { 1 }, 2 };
  struct S
    u8 a,b;
    u8 c[2];
  struct T
    u8 s[16];
    u8 a;
  struct U
    u8 a;
    struct S s;
    u8 b;
    struct T t;
  struct V
    struct S s;
    struct T t;
    u8 a;
  struct W
    struct V t;
    struct S s[];
  struct S gs = ((struct S){1, 2, 3, 4});
  struct S gs2 = {1, 2, {3, 4}};
  struct T gt = {"hello", 42};
  struct U gu = {3, 5,6,7,8, 4, "huhu", 43};
  struct U gu2 = {3, {5,6,7,8}, 4, {"huhu", 43}};
  /* Optional braces around scalar initializers.  Accepted, but with
     a warning.  */
  struct U gu3 = { {3}, {5,6,7,8,}, 4, {"huhu", 43}};
  /* Many superfluous braces and leaving out one initializer for U.s.c[1] */
  struct U gu4 = { 3, {5,6,7,},  5, { "bla", {44}} };
  /* Superfluous braces and useless parens around values */
  struct S gs3 = { (1), {(2)}, {(((3))), {4}}};
  /* Superfluous braces, and leaving out braces for V.t, plus cast */
  struct V gv = {{{3},4,{5,6}}, "haha", (u8)45, 46};
  /* Compound literal */
  struct V gv2 = {(struct S){7,8,{9,10}}, {"hihi", 47}, 48};
  /* Parens around compound literal */
  struct V gv3 = {((struct S){7,8,{9,10}}), {"hoho", 49}, 50};
  /* Initialization of a flex array member (warns in GCC) */
  struct W gw = {{1,2,3,4}, {1,2,3,4,5}};
  union UU {
      u8 a;
      u8 b;
  struct SU {
      union UU u;
      u8 c;
  struct SU gsu = {5,6};
  /* Unnamed struct/union members aren't ISO C, but it's a widely accepted
     extension.  See below for further extensions to that under -fms-extension.*/
  union UV {
      struct {u8 a,b;};
      struct S s;
  union UV guv = {{6,5}};
  union UV guv2 = {{.b = 7, .a = 8}};
  union UV guv3 = {.b = 8, .a = 7};
  /* Under -fms-extensions also the following is valid:
  union UV2 {
      struct Anon {u8 a,b;};    // unnamed member, but tagged struct, ...
      struct S s;
  struct Anon gan = { 10, 11 }; // ... which makes it available here.
  union UV2 guv4 = {{4,3}};     // and the other inits from above as well
  struct in6_addr {
      union {
  	u8 u6_addr8[16];
  	unsigned short u6_addr16[8];
      } u;
  struct flowi6 {
      struct in6_addr saddr, daddr;
  struct pkthdr {
      struct in6_addr daddr, saddr;
  struct pkthdr phdr = { { { 6,5,4,3 } }, { { 9,8,7,6 } } };
  struct Wrap {
      void *func;
  int global;
  void inc_global (void)
  struct Wrap global_wrap[] = {
      ((struct Wrap) {inc_global}),
  #include <stdio.h>
  void print_ (const char *name, const u8 *p, long size)
    printf ("%s:", name);
    while (size--) {
        printf (" %x", *p++);
    printf ("\n");
  #define print(x) print_(#x, (u8*)&x, sizeof (x))
  #if 1
  void foo (struct W *w, struct pkthdr *phdr_)
    struct S ls = {1, 2, 3, 4};
    struct S ls2 = {1, 2, {3, 4}};
    struct T lt = {"hello", 42};
    struct U lu = {3, 5,6,7,8, 4, "huhu", 43};
    struct U lu1 = {3, ls, 4, {"huhu", 43}};
    struct U lu2 = {3, (ls), 4, {"huhu", 43}};
    const struct S *pls = &ls;
    struct S ls21 = *pls;
    struct U lu22 = {3, *pls, 4, {"huhu", 43}};
    /* Incomplete bracing.  */
    struct U lu21 = {3, ls, 4, "huhu", 43};
    /* Optional braces around scalar initializers.  Accepted, but with
       a warning.  */
    struct U lu3 = { 3, {5,6,7,8,}, 4, {"huhu", 43}};
    /* Many superfluous braces and leaving out one initializer for U.s.c[1] */
    struct U lu4 = { 3, {5,6,7,},  5, { "bla", 44} };
    /* Superfluous braces and useless parens around values */
    struct S ls3 = { (1), (2), {(((3))), 4}};
    /* Superfluous braces, and leaving out braces for V.t, plus cast */
    struct V lv = {{3,4,{5,6}}, "haha", (u8)45, 46};
    /* Compound literal */
    struct V lv2 = {(struct S)w->t.s, {"hihi", 47}, 48};
    /* Parens around compound literal */
    struct V lv3 = {((struct S){7,8,{9,10}}), ((const struct W *)w)->t.t, 50};
    const struct pkthdr *phdr = phdr_;
    struct flowi6 flow = { .daddr = phdr->daddr, .saddr = phdr->saddr };
    int elt = 0x42;
    /* Range init, overlapping */
    struct T lt2 = { { [1 ... 5] = 9, [6 ... 10] = elt, [4 ... 7] = elt+1 }, 1 };
  void test_compound_with_relocs (void)
    struct Wrap local_wrap[] = {
        ((struct Wrap) {inc_global}),
    void (*p)(void);
    p = global_wrap[0].func; p();
    p = global_wrap[1].func; p();
    p = local_wrap[0].func; p();
    p = local_wrap[1].func; p();
  void sys_ni(void) { printf("ni\n"); }
  void sys_one(void) { printf("one\n"); }
  void sys_two(void) { printf("two\n"); }
  void sys_three(void) { printf("three\n"); }
  typedef void (*fptr)(void);
  const fptr table[3] = {
      [0 ... 2] = &sys_ni,
      [0] = sys_one,
      [1] = sys_two,
      [2] = sys_three,
  void test_multi_relocs(void)
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(table)/sizeof(table[0]); i++)
  /* Following is from GCC gcc.c-torture/execute/20050613-1.c.  */
  struct SEA { int i; int j; int k; int l; };
  struct SEB { struct SEA a; int r[1]; };
  struct SEC { struct SEA a; int r[0]; };
  struct SED { struct SEA a; int r[]; };
  static void
  test_correct_filling (struct SEA *x)
    static int i;
    if (x->i != 0 || x->j != 5 || x->k != 0 || x->l != 0)
      printf("sea_fill%d: wrong\n", i);
      printf("sea_fill%d: okay\n", i);
  test_zero_init (void)
    /* The peculiarity here is that only a.j is initialized.  That
       means that all other members must be zero initialized.  TCC
       once didn't do that for sub-level designators.  */
    struct SEB b = { .a.j = 5 };
    struct SEC c = { .a.j = 5 };
    struct SED d = { .a.j = 5 };
    test_correct_filling (&b.a);
    test_correct_filling (&c.a);
    test_correct_filling (&d.a);
    return 0;
  int main()
    foo(&gw, &phdr);
    //printf("q: %s\n", q);
    return 0;
  +gcc --std=c11 -O2 ./tests/single-exec/00216.c -o ./tests/single-exec/00216.c.bin
  ./tests/single-exec/00216.c:8:8: warning: braces around scalar initializer [enabled by default]
   struct contains_empty ce = { { (1) }, (empty_s){}, 022, };
  ./tests/single-exec/00216.c:8:8: warning: (near initialization for ‘ce.a’) [enabled by default]
  ./tests/single-exec/00216.c:8:8: error: initializer element is not constant
  ./tests/single-exec/00216.c:8:8: error: (near initialization for ‘ce.empty’)
  ./tests/single-exec/00216.c:49:24: error: initializer element is not constant
   struct S gs = ((struct S){1, 2, 3, 4});
  ./tests/single-exec/00216.c:56:8: warning: braces around scalar initializer [enabled by default]
   struct U gu3 = { {3}, {5,6,7,8,}, 4, {"huhu", 43}};
  ./tests/single-exec/00216.c:56:8: warning: (near initialization for ‘gu3.a’) [enabled by default]
  ./tests/single-exec/00216.c:58:8: warning: braces around scalar initializer [enabled by default]
   struct U gu4 = { 3, {5,6,7,},  5, { "bla", {44}} };
  ./tests/single-exec/00216.c:58:8: warning: (near initialization for ‘gu4.t.a’) [enabled by default]
  ./tests/single-exec/00216.c:60:8: warning: braces around scalar initializer [enabled by default]
   struct S gs3 = { (1), {(2)}, {(((3))), {4}}};
  ./tests/single-exec/00216.c:60:8: warning: (near initialization for ‘gs3.b’) [enabled by default]
  ./tests/single-exec/00216.c:60:8: warning: braces around scalar initializer [enabled by default]
  ./tests/single-exec/00216.c:60:8: warning: (near initialization for ‘gs3.c[1]’) [enabled by default]
  ./tests/single-exec/00216.c:62:8: warning: braces around scalar initializer [enabled by default]
   struct V gv = {{{3},4,{5,6}}, "haha", (u8)45, 46};
  ./tests/single-exec/00216.c:62:8: warning: (near initialization for ‘gv.s.a’) [enabled by default]
  ./tests/single-exec/00216.c:64:25: error: initializer element is not constant
   struct V gv2 = {(struct S){7,8,{9,10}}, {"hihi", 47}, 48};
  ./tests/single-exec/00216.c:64:25: error: (near initialization for ‘gv2.s’)
  ./tests/single-exec/00216.c:66:26: error: initializer element is not constant
   struct V gv3 = {((struct S){7,8,{9,10}}), {"hoho", 49}, 50};
  ./tests/single-exec/00216.c:66:26: error: (near initialization for ‘gv3.s’)
  ./tests/single-exec/00216.c:123:14: error: initializer element is not constant
       ((struct Wrap) {inc_global}),
  ./tests/single-exec/00216.c:123:14: error: (near initialization for ‘global_wrap[0]’)
  ./tests/single-exec/00216.c: In function ‘foo’:
  ./tests/single-exec/00216.c:168:10: warning: initialized field with side-effects overwritten [enabled by default]
     struct T lt2 = { { [1 ... 5] = 9, [6 ... 10] = elt, [4 ... 7] = elt+1 }, 1 };
  ./tests/single-exec/00216.c:168:10: warning: (near initialization for ‘lt2.s[6]’) [enabled by default]
  ./tests/single-exec/00216.c:168:10: warning: initialized field with side-effects overwritten [enabled by default]
  ./tests/single-exec/00216.c:168:10: warning: (near initialization for ‘lt2.s[7]’) [enabled by default]
  +exit 1
not ok ./tests/single-exec/00219.c
  #include <stdio.h>
  const int a = 0;
  struct a {
  	int a;
  struct b {
  	int a;
  int a_f()
  	return 20;
  int b_f()
  	return 10;
  typedef int (*fptr)(int);
  int foo(int i)
    return i;
  typedef int int_type1;
  #define gen_sw(a) _Generic(a, const char *: 1, default: 8, int: 123);
  int main()
  	int i = 0;
  	signed long int l = 2;
  	struct b titi;
  	const int * const ptr;
  	const char *ti;
  	int_type1 i2;
  	i = _Generic(a, int: a_f, const int: b_f)();
  	printf("%d\n", i);
  	i = _Generic(a, int: a_f() / 2, const int: b_f() / 2);
  	printf("%d\n", i);
  	i = _Generic(ptr, int *:1, int * const:2, default:20);
  	printf("%d\n", i);
  	i = gen_sw(a);
  	printf("%d\n", i);
  	i = _Generic(titi, struct a:1, struct b:2, default:20);
  	printf("%d\n", i);
  	i = _Generic(i2, char: 1, int : 0);
  	printf("%d\n", i);
  	i = _Generic(a, char:1, int[4]:2, default:5);
  	printf("%d\n", i);
  	i = _Generic(17, int :1, int **:2);
  	printf("%d\n", i);
  	i = _Generic(17L, int :1, long :2, long long : 3);
  	printf("%d\n", i);
  	i = _Generic("17, io", char *: 3, const char *: 1);
  	printf("%d\n", i);
  	i = _Generic(ti, const unsigned char *:1, const char *:4, char *:3,
  		     const signed char *:2);
  	printf("%d\n", i);
  	printf("%s\n", _Generic(i + 2L, long: "long", int: "int",
  				long long: "long long"));
  	i = _Generic(l, long: 1, int: 2);
  	printf("%d\n", i);
  	i = _Generic(foo, fptr: 3, int: 4);
  	printf("%d\n", i);
  	return 0;
  +gcc --std=c11 -O2 ./tests/single-exec/00219.c -o ./tests/single-exec/00219.c.bin
  ./tests/single-exec/00219.c: In function ‘main’:
  ./tests/single-exec/00219.c:42:2: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘_Generic’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
    i = _Generic(a, int: a_f, const int: b_f)();
  ./tests/single-exec/00219.c:42:18: error: expected expression before ‘int’
    i = _Generic(a, int: a_f, const int: b_f)();
  ./tests/single-exec/00219.c:44:18: error: expected expression before ‘int’
    i = _Generic(a, int: a_f() / 2, const int: b_f() / 2);
  ./tests/single-exec/00219.c:46:20: error: expected expression before ‘int’
    i = _Generic(ptr, int *:1, int * const:2, default:20);
  ./tests/single-exec/00219.c:31:31: error: expected expression before ‘const’
   #define gen_sw(a) _Generic(a, const char *: 1, default: 8, int: 123);
  ./tests/single-exec/00219.c:48:6: note: in expansion of macro ‘gen_sw’
    i = gen_sw(a);
  ./tests/single-exec/00219.c:50:21: error: expected expression before ‘struct’
    i = _Generic(titi, struct a:1, struct b:2, default:20);
  ./tests/single-exec/00219.c:52:19: error: expected expression before ‘char’
    i = _Generic(i2, char: 1, int : 0);
  ./tests/single-exec/00219.c:54:18: error: expected expression before ‘char’
    i = _Generic(a, char:1, int[4]:2, default:5);
  ./tests/single-exec/00219.c:56:19: error: expected expression before ‘int’
    i = _Generic(17, int :1, int **:2);
  ./tests/single-exec/00219.c:58:20: error: expected expression before ‘int’
    i = _Generic(17L, int :1, long :2, long long : 3);
  ./tests/single-exec/00219.c:60:25: error: expected expression before ‘char’
    i = _Generic("17, io", char *: 3, const char *: 1);
  ./tests/single-exec/00219.c:62:19: error: expected expression before ‘const’
    i = _Generic(ti, const unsigned char *:1, const char *:4, char *:3,
  ./tests/single-exec/00219.c:65:34: error: expected expression before ‘long’
    printf("%s\n", _Generic(i + 2L, long: "long", int: "int",
  ./tests/single-exec/00219.c:67:18: error: expected expression before ‘long’
    i = _Generic(l, long: 1, int: 2);
  ./tests/single-exec/00219.c:69:20: error: expected expression before ‘fptr’
    i = _Generic(foo, fptr: 3, int: 4);
  +exit 1

raw TAP data (.txt)